The Roswell Return

“Go where you are celebrated” Carlsbad Caverns I had mixed feelings about going to the Caverns. I knew I needed to, but the last trip ended as I was on my way to them. Ended by my Mother having a heart attack. My body could feel this trauma as I considered what would bring me …

Bonus Post: Solo Travel Feels

I have a big network of people. This isn’t a brag, it is just a fact. So it makes sense that at least a few times a month, I get tagged in a social media post about solo traveling. Inevitably, there are always comments about how scary it is to solo travel, and these are …

Getting Ready, Again

“Live Your Truth.” Here I am, again. Feeling frenetic and ready to see what else is out there, more nervous than I can verbalize to anyone. My life is good. It’s changed drastically since 2019, just 2 years ago. I’ve graduated college, started a business, entered writing competitions, left the country, survived the pandemic, experienced …

New Mexico Pt. II: The Rainbow People

“When you begin to doubt yourself, doubt your doubt.” Average Gas: $2.50/galMiles Driven:975.7Slept: Original EarthShip, Truck Stop, Pink Pelican Inn TaosTaos is home to the original Earthships–completely sustainable, recycled housing that works with the Earth. Lucky for me, a close friend from my college days at UCSC lives in the ORIGINAL Earthship. This means it …

Vietnam Veterans Memorial: Going Full Circle

A soldier will sacrifice more than you can know. These last few days have been interesting. My travels are on hold as Mom is in the hospital healing from a heart attack. Thursday, 9/12, marked 7 months since Dad passed, and Friday the 13th would have been his 67th birthday. I’ve spent this time being …

New Mexico Part I: Community High

“Where is the love and depth?” Average Gas: $2.40/galMiles Driven:518.6Slept: Motel, Truck Stop, friend’s driveway I’ve been getting lost in New Mexico for almost 2 weeks now. But not entirely lost, just flowing, enjoying and connecting each step of the way.  The first day out of Colorado, I got caught waiting out a thunder and …

Bonus Post: Van-Life Debates

This current lifestyle of mine is not unique at all, but is still uncommon enough to be interesting to the vast majority (this isn’t the 9-5, mow the lawn, make dinner, and get hitched lifestyle, after all). I’m fortunate enough to have lived in a house in Santa Cruz where I became acquainted and connected …